
Honeywell Placement Paper

1) TRAP is a___________ interrupt?
2) CPU gets into wait state after it recognises ________ signal

3) if the value of a semaphore is -n(negative) then the no of processes waiting on the semaphore is

4) For recursive e procedures, the following is used..
5) Complexity of hash coded search for n elements is..
6) If we have to insert and delete at the both the ends of a Queue then the following is to be used..

7) Time taken to search a record from an array of 10 records in ascending order using binary search is

8) In queue the complexity of inserting into an element is..

9) what is the need to change the information system ?

10) I/O processor does the data transfer between main memory and I/o devices

11) why are wait states included?
to interface for slow peripheral device
12) WHat is Interrupts RST 7.5 and its uses

13) 2000 LXI SP,1...
2003 PUSH H
2005 PUSH D
2007 CALL ...
200A POP
what are the contents of the Program counter and the stack contents?

14) Which register stores the address of the next instruction to be executed?
Program counter

15) which is mainly responsible to load the operating system?
Boot strap loader

16) DOS has how many stacks?

17) What is Cascading Amplifier and its uses

19)In RAM how many transistors and capacitors?
i) 6 trans....0 capaci
ii) 4trans 2 capac
iii) 2 trans 4 capaci

int x;
int *p;
int **p1;
int ***p2;

How to assign each one?

21) FIFO is
non- preemptive

22) What is Round Robin Scheduling and Time sharing

23) Virtual Memory is..

24) What is synchronisation and semaphore
25)In a graph, there are 7 nodes and 5 independent loops then the no. of branches in the network?

#define ADD(X,Y) X+Y
#undef ADD;
#if not defined(ADD)
define ADD(X+Y) X*Y
int y=ADD(3,2);

27) In 8088, number of pins
i)8 internal ..8 external
ii)8 internal....16 external
iii)16 internal...8 external
iv) 16 internal...16 external

28) When interrupt is received what the cpu does?