
Techmahindra Placement Paper

English - III Total Questions :10
Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 10 :
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.
High achievers, we often hear, are inevitably hard-driving, obsessed people who bring work home and labour over it until bedtime. Not so, according to Garfield. "Such people tend to peak early", he says, "then go into a decline or level off. They become addicted to work itself, with much less concern for results." High performers, in contrast, are willing to work hard but within strict limits. For them, work is not everything. When Garfield interviewed top executives in ten major industries, he found that they knew how to relax, could leave their work at the office, prized close friends and family life, and spend a healthy amount of time with their children and intimates.

Q.1 The writer uses the term obsessed for "high achievers" because
a) They work hard
b) They bring work home
c) They are addicted to work without caring for the result
d) They don't have time to relax

Q.2 The high performers are successful because
a) They do not bring work home
b) They have many friends
c) They know how to work and relax
d) Their family members cooperate with them

Q.3 The difference between high achievers and high performers is that
a) High performers balance work with pleasure
b) High performers are unsuccessful in later life
c) High achievers strike a balance between work and pleasure
d) High achievers are result-oriented.

Q.4 Which one of the following brings out the meaning of Garfield's statement?
a) High achievers are not only hard working but are invariably successful
b) High achievers are concerned only with results
c) High achievers know the art of relaxing
d) High achievers gain early success but they eventually decline or stop improving

Q.5 The phrase "level off" means
a) To improve
b) To remain steady
c) To show spectacular improvement
d) To deteriorate

The work which Gandhiji had taken up was not only the achievement of political freedom but also the establishment of a social order based on truth and non-violence, unity and peace, equality and universal brotherhood and maximum freedom for all. This unfinished part of his experiment was perhaps even more difficult to achieve than the achievement of political freedom. In the political struggle, the fight was against a foreign power and all one could do was either join it or wish it success and give it his moral support. In establishing the social order of this pattern, there was a lively possibility of a conflict arising between groups and classes of our own people. Experience shows that man values his possessions even more than his life because in the former he sees the means for perpetuation and survival of his descendants even after his body is reduced to ashes. A new order cannot be established without radically changing the mind and attitude of men towards property and, at some stage or the other, the 'haves' have to yield place to the 'have-nots'. We have seen, in our time, attempts to achieve a kind of egalitarian society and the picture of it after it was achieved. But this was done, by and large, through the use of physical force.
In the ultimate analysis, it is difficult, if not impossible, to say that the instinct to possess has been rooted out or that it will not reappear in an even worse form under a different guise. It may even be that, like a gas kept confined within containers under great pressure, or water held by a big dam, once a barrier breaks, the reaction will one day sweep back with a violence equal in extent and intensity to what was used to establish and maintain the outward egalitarian form. This enforced egalitarianism contains, in its bosom, the seed of its own destruction.
The root cause of class conflict its possessiveness or the acquisitive instinct. So long as the ideal that is to be achieved is one of securing the maximum material satisfaction, possessiveness is neither suppressed nor eliminated but grows on what it feeds. Nor does it cease to be such - it is possessiveness, still, whether it is confined to only a few or is shared by many.
If egalitarianism is to endure, it has to be based not on the possession of the maximum material goods by few or by all but on voluntary, enlightened renunciation of those goods which cannot be shared by others or can be enjoyed only at the expense of others. This calls for substitution of spiritual values for purely material ones. The paradise of material satisfaction, that is sometimes equated with progress these days neither spells peace nor progress. Mahatma Gandhi has shown us how the acquisitive instinct inherent in man could be transmuted by the adoption of the ideal of trusteeship by those who 'have' for the benefit of all those who 'have not' so that, instead of leading to exploitation and conflict, it would become a means and incentive for the amelioration and progress of society, respectively.
Q.6 According to the passage, egalitarianism will not survive if
a) It is based on voluntary renunciation
b) It is achieved by resorting to physical force
c) Underprivileged people are not involved in its establishment
d) People's outlook towards it is not radically changed
e) None of these

Q.7 According to the passage,Why does man value his possessions more than his life?
a) He has an inherent desire to share his possessions with others.
b) He is endowed with the possessive instinct
c) Only his possessions help him earn love and respect from his descendants
d) Through his possessions he can preserve his name even after his death
e) None of these

Q.8 According to the passage,which was the unfinished part of Gandhiji's experiment?
a) Educating people to avoid class conflict
b) Achieving total political freedom for the country
c) Establishment of an egalitarian society
d) Radically changing the mind and attitude of men towards truth and non-violence
e) None of these

Q.9 Which of the following statements is 'not true' in the context of the passage?
a) True egalitarianism can be achieved by giving up one's possessions under compulsion
b) Man values his life more than his possessions
c) Possessive instinct is a natural part of the human being
d) In the political struggle, the fight was against the alien rule
e) The root cause of class conflict is possessiveness

Q.10 According to the passage, true egalitarianism will last if
a) It is thrust upon people
b) It is based on truth and non-violence
c) People inculcate spiritual values along with material values
d) 'Haves' and 'have-nots' live together peacefully
e) None of these