Aricent Placement Paper - 2

Round 2: Technical interview Question:

1). Write a structure for Single linked list that stores integer value.

2). Write a structure for Single linked list that stores integer char etc. (using void pointer).

3). What is the difference between char a and char a [1];

4). write an algo to find the middle node of in single linked list.

5). Given only a pointer to a node to be deleted in a singly linked list, how do you delete it?

6). How you check in Single linked list that any node is corrupted or is it possible or not.

7). Explain rat and maze problem. How you solve problem and what data structure you use .n write code for it.

8). How would you write printf statement without using ";".

9). In networks she asked about what happens if i type in browser (she basically interested in headers and layers dns etc).

10). Arp and rarp. Mac address and ip address.

11). Router and switches used in which layeRs.

12). Puzzle: 3 bulb and 3 switches.

13). Puzzle: 26-63=1 (change only one digit up, down, right or left . Do not change the value of digit)
(Ans : 2^6-63=1)