
L&T Placement Paper

1) A red light glows every 10sec, yellow every 15sec and red every18sec.find the number of times all three glow together from 8:00AM To 9:00AM (including both times)?

2) If age of a person is x and his mothers age is 34. then after how many years will the mothers age be twice of the son?

3) Difference between Arithmetic progression and geometric progression.

4) What is mean.

5) How Matrix addition?

6) Find the determinant of a 3*3 matrix?

7) A man buys two watches at Rs.540. He sells one watch at 10% profit and other at 15% loss. He didn't gain any profit or loss. What was the cost of the watch.

8) Value of diesel is 5.40 and petrol is 4.20. if petrol value Increases with 40% per week after how many week will it overcome the Value of Diesel.

9) Three taps A and B can fill up a tank in 10 min,15 mins and 21 Mins respectively. They are opened together and after 4 mins A is closed. In how much time Band C will fill up the remaining part?

10) If a can give b a lead start of 10 meters and c a lead start of 17 meters how much lead start can b give to c.

11) If average of three innings of a is 75. and the average score ofFirst two innings is 75% then how much did he score in the third Inning?

12) no. divide by 5 & 7 gives remainder 3 & 7. if same no. is divided by 35 then What is the remainder?

13) (72+70+68+_ _ _ +40) =?